
PBeM ����������ʹ�ô�ȫ





userid Ӧ����һ��pbem�û�����һ�������Լ����û����������档
password Ӧ���ö�Ӧ����û��������������档
board Ӧ����һ�̱����ı�������档

������������Ŀ�ʼ���� game Ӧ����pbem����֮һ�����������档
����[ ������ ] �еĵ��ʿ�ѡ�

�ڷ��������� [ ... ʡ�Ժ� ] ��ʾ��
һ������һ���Ӻ� word+ ��ʾ���г�����1�
һ������һ���Ǻ� word* ��ʾ���г�����0�


help [ subject [ ...subject ] ]
signup userid password [ e-mail address(es) ]
add userid password [ e-mail address(es) ]
change password userid current-password new-password
change address userid password [ e-mail address(es) ]
signoff userid password
delete userid password
list [ game-type-1 [ ... game-type-N ] ]
message userid password toUserid1 [ ... toUseridN ]
broadcast userid password
all show userid [ next | active ]
game help
game standings
game ratings
game games userid* [ all | active | inactive | next ]
game show board[#moveno]+
game show userid+ [ all | active | inactive | next ]
game showas userid password [ board+ | all | active | inactive | next ]
game challenge userid1 userid2 [ -options ]
game move board userid password move[#moveno]
game move board userid password pass[#moveno]
game move board userid password swap[#moveno]
game move board userid password propose
game move board userid password undo
game move board userid password accept
game move board userid password reject
game move board userid password resign
game resign board userid password
game chat board userid password
game submit board userid password move[#moveno]
game confirm board userid password
game preview board move+
game preview new numplayers [ -options ] move+
game subscribe userid password board+
game unsubscribe userid password board+
game limit userid password [ number ]
game seek userid password [ number ]
game accept userid password
game reject userid password
game notify userid password

����ÿ������Ӧ���ڼĸ�PBeM������(pbmserv@gamerz.net)���ʼ���Ϣ�������С���Ӧʱ��ͨ���ܿ�(���ᳬ���ʼ�����ʱ��)�����pbem������û�ж�����������Ӧ����Ҳ���ܽ��յ�һ����Ϣ(���dz��ִ���)���������һ���򵥵����help����һ�£�����ϵͳ�Ƿ���ߡ����pbem�������ԡ�help��������Ӧ��������������Ȼ�ò�����Ӧ���Ǵ�Լ���dz��˹��ϡ�������һ�λ��� rrognlie@gamerz.net ��ѯ����ð�����


help [ subject [ ... subject ] ]

�������������������İ��������û�б���������⣬���͡�ժҪ��ҳ�����������һ���Ƿ�����(���硰help me��)���㽫�յ�һ�����õİ��������б��


signup userid password [ e-mail address(es) ]
add userid password [ e-mail address(es) ]

���������㵽 PBeM �������С���������μ��κ� PBeM ����ǰ�����ȷ�����userid �Dz�����ð��(:)���ո�( )������(")���κδ�����ַ���password Ҳһ����������ж�� E-Mail ��ַ������һ���ر����Ⲣϣ������ PBeM �ʼ��������ʺţ���������֮��ָ����������PBeM ��������Ĭ�ϰ���ע������ļ��ŵ�ַ�������� PBeM �ʼ���

change password userid current-password new-password

������������������������ PBeM ���롣�����Ҫ������ô����PBeM ��������������������Լ��Ĺ��ܡ�(�������ַ��洢��Щ���룬�����㲻Ҫ����ע����ʺ��������룡)

change address userid password [ e-mail address(es) ]

������������������������ PBeM �������ʼ���ַ��PBeM �������������κ��ʼ����������͵������ַ�����û��ָ����ַ��PBeM ��������Ĭ�ϰ���ע������ļ��ŵ�ַ�������� PBeM �ʼ���

signoff userid password
delete userid password



list [ game type 1 [ ... game type N ] ]


message userid password toUserid1 [ ... toUseridN ]


broadcast userid password




To: pbmserv@gamerz.net
Subject: multiple

tanbo3d move 2734 alibaba sesame 123
  Bet you weren't expecting that!
  Are you ready to resign yet?
spangles move 1234 alibaba sesame resign
  You win some, you lose some...

all show userid [ next | active ]

�����������������ȫ�� pbem ����������ͬ�������ԭ����ʹ��ȫ��������ָ��������Ŀǰ��Ķ��ֵ����б������(��all show user next��)�����������ڽ����е��������(��all show user active��)�ĸ��㡣


game help
help game


game standings
game ratings


game games userid* [ all | active | inactive | next ]


game show board[#moveno]+ [ -t ]
game show userid+ [all | active | inactive | next ] [ -t ]

������������а�����-t����--time��ѡ���ʹÿλ����ʹ�õ�ʱ�����ʱ��������ڡ���-t����--time��ѡ��Ҳ��������Ҫ��ʾ��������κ�������硰showas������all show������preview������ʹ�á�challenge������ʱ��ʱ�佫������ÿ�����С�

game showas userid password [ board+ | all | active | inactive | next ]



game challenge userid1 userid2 [-options]

�������û�1���û�2֮���¿�ʼһ���塣��ʾ֧�ֶ���2�����ֵı����������Ҫ��ѡ���� Some games support more than 2 players, or optional parameters with a leading dash. The help for the specific game will describe any game-specific functionality.

game move board userid password move[#moveno]

Make a move. The format for the move string is described on the help page for the specific game.

The move number may optionally be appended to the move string with a # separator. The move will then be accepted only for the given move number. This may be useful if your email is flaky and you are worried about messages being lost or delayed arriving later at the wrong time.

game move board userid password pass[#moveno]
game move board userid password --[#moveno]

If the game allows it, pass your turn. Make no move.

game move board userid password swap[#moveno]
game swap board userid password

If the game support swapping at a certain point during the game, this command will swap sides.

game move board userid password propose

Propose a draw. All players must "accept" the proposal.

game move board userid password undo

Request to undo a move. All players must "accept" the undo.

game move board userid password accept

If a draw has been proposed, accept the draw.
If an undo has been requested, accept the undo.

game move board userid password reject

If a draw has been proposed, reject the draw.
If an undo has been requested, reject the undo.

game move board userid password resign
game resign board userid password

Resign the current game. If this is the first action from that player in the game, he leaves play (without penalty) and if more than one player is left, the game is restarted without the player. If it is not the first action from that player, he will leave the game and the remaining player will continue playing. If only one player is left, that player will win the game.

game chat board userid password

Sends the message in the body of the mail to all players and subscribers.

game submit board userid password move[#moveno]

Preview a move. The move will be stored with the board and can be effectuated by using the move command without supplying a move. Submitting several different moves will only keep the last one.

game confirm board userid password

Confirm the last submitted move (and make it). Submit + confirm is equivalent to using move.

game preview board move+
game preview new numplayers [-options] move+

Make the move(s) on a given board (or a new one). The moves are not saved. The resulting board will be sent back. The "preview new" command will accept any -options which are acceptable to the game's "challenge" command.

  • Games with simultaneous movement (e.g. ToW) or hidden information (e.g. DarkChess) will not allow submit, confirm, and preview commands.

Subscribing Commands:

game subscribe userid password board+

Start subscribing a specific board. Whenever one of the players issue a valid move, the new board will be sent to players who subscribe in addition to those players who participate.

game unsubscribe userid password board+

Unsubscribe a board that was previously subscribed.

game limit userid password [ number ]

Limits the number of active games you may have. If you have the specified number of active games, any additional challenges will be automatically rejected. Instead of a number, you may also use the word "reject" to reject all games, or "accept" to accept all games. If the number parameter is omitted, your current limit will be reported. The limits for other players are reported by the standings command.

game seek userid password [ number ]

Sets the number of games you are currently seeking. This number will show up on the standings to let other players know you are currently seeking games. Each time you are challenged or make a challenge, the number will be decreased by one.

game accept userid password

Allow other players to challenge you.

game reject userid password

Disallow other players to challenge you.

game notify userid password [ board+ ]

Notify is similar to the subscribe command but instead of getting a copy of the board after each and every move, the boards are shown after the game ends. The notify will fail if 1) the board does not exist, 2) the board is already completed, 3) you are a player on the board, or 4) you are already subscribed or notified on the board.

If no board number is given, you will be notified whenever any board ends. This is mainly useful for archiving games. Sending a new non-board notify command will stop this type of notification.

Messages to your opponent

When you use the challenge, move, resign, or chat commands, any text in the body of your mail message will be sent to your opponent along with the board summary.

You may also send messages to other PBeM users via the message and broadcast commands.


TEL/FAX: 010-84074209 E-MAIL: wzqcn@rifchina.com
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