My 11 games from WC 2003

by Tunnet Taimla, 2004



1. Karlsson-Taimla 0-1, 90

It was my first game ever, in A-final. I was tentative black and my opponent was the strongest Swedish player (in my opinion) - Stefan Karlsson. I was pretty sure he would swap colours in D11 and play the upper 11th move. That's what he did.

I had many ideas as white there (later on games I did choose other developments).

In this game I did choose 16-16. I played it on e-mail WC 2003 (b1207) and I think it is a good move. If 17-29 then white simply plays 18-32 and becomes very strong (It is almost the same position what comes from 16-17 move but 16-16 stands just so much stronger). In our game Stefan played 25-25, maybe too passive. Now I gained tempo for some time but gave it away on the 34th move. I thought about moving 32-A but finally changed my mind and chose maybe not so good plan.. I even had a chance to simply play 34-35 before making my move but now he could play there himself and after 36-36 I already thought he would play 37-B and 39-50. Still I could have played 40-37 and defend but it was critical. Now we did some positional moves and from the 48th move it was clear black can't win anymore. So he tried to make a draw but missed with his 85th move in a time trouble. It was a good battle.

2. Taimla-Iio 1-0, 35

The second round. My opponent was perhaps not so famous but surely not a weak player - Yoshihiro Iio. He had won the Qualification Tournament and before the game with me he was unbeatable in Vadstena :P. Last year in TWC I had a chance to play with him, so he is the only Japanese player I have ever played more than one game

with. He placed D8. I swapped. We played the main 5th move and Nakamura's variant. I thought it is almost black win as we had analysed it with Ando and Ants before (later on it became clear it is not so easy to win as black) so I was feeling pretty comfortable. After I had made my 33rd move he 'fell asleep', he thought maybe for one and a half hours and finally did 34-34. Sadly it wasn’t even a VCF. I saw it immediately but checked all variants many times and finally made my 35th. He resigned.


3. Taimla-Gaulitz 0-1, 44

My next game was with a strong Swedish player - Joachim Gaulitz. This was the only game I lost.

I was very surprised when he qualified to A-final from Q-tournament and I was even more surprised when he won me =). I chose D11 again. He didn't swap. I was thinking he would play 12-12 but 14-14 was a surprise.. I saw him playing it twice himself in Q tournament as black, so I was wondering what his plan was.

I spent too much time on following two moves. As he said after the game his plan was involved with 19-A. Anyway 19-19 is much better and after 25th move it seems very strong for black. Here my bayomi had started and I still thought much on the 29th move. Finally I made four and was still thinking. I am not sure of the outcome of 31-37 when white plays 32-B but after the game we found strong developments for black there too.

In our game I chose 31-31 what was very strong too. I had about 7 minutes left and maybe 25 moves to make but dumb me did such a mistake on 33rd move. If I would have closed his three simply with my own three and then moved 35-33 black would have been very powerful at left side. I am not sure if black should lose in that corner but after my 37 white won easily. I resigned after 44-44.


4. Taimla-Okabe 1-0, 39

It was the 4th round. My opponent was very famous Japanese young player - Hiroshi Okabe. He won the Japanese Qualification tournament to WC and showed the best game from Japanese players in this tournament. He is the player from 'new generation'. So it was an important game for me. I had to prove myself. He opened D8. I swapped again. He chose the 5th and played Nakamura's 14th. My 15th seemed to surprise him. He thought quite long and finally answered 16-16. And after my 17th he played 18-18. I had analysed this position and I had played games here. So I was thinking with which move I should start. When I was playing I thought I need point 25 for later to develop to point 21. But actually I needed 9_19 line opened only. So after I had made my 19 and he played his 20 I thought oh.. Now I can't have point 23 but actually 21-21 (key point) was enough I think. Now he tried some moves but with 9_19 connection it was too powerful. He resigned after the 39th move.




5. Andersson-Taimla 0-1, 58

Next game I had to play against Tord Andersson. I opened D11. He swapped. Against Stefan he used 13-15 which I hoped he would play against me too but he played 13-13 and after the 15th move I started to think what to play. I wanted to surprise him and play something else than 16-29 which I had used against Stefan. Finally I decided to play a very risky move, 16-16. I thought I knew there were some diagrams in Japanese book about it and that I had seen some games with this move but actually there it was showed 13-15 and 14-16. So I did land up in a totally new position.

Later I started to think that A-final is not 'a testing tournament'. He used a lot of his thinking time with next three moves. 17-17 was a correct move (I think others lose). I am not sure about 19-19, maybe it is possible to play 19-22 too. After the 23rd move it seemed very similar with some known positions but still different. For example in RW 44 there was a game Karlsson-Taimla. The only difference between these games was that in our game with Stefan there were no stones at 17th and 18th point but it was a great difference. 18-18 helped me to make a cut to point A later. So after my 24 black had no win in this position, no timing. Tord's time was running out and seeing that after 32-32 there is no way to win he started to calm down the position, but it was already too late.. Position was bad and there was no time. Finally I managed to win.

6. Chingin-Taimla 0.5-0.5, 55

Chingin was pointed out as one of the favourites to WC title. In Russian top tournaments he had been very stable lately. So I was expecting rather interesting game. Before the game with me he had opened I6 many times and played his 4th move, so before the game I analysed it with Ando but finally we didn't really find anything.. Still he decided to play D11. I didn't swap colours. After I made my 12 he quickly answered 13-13 and the following moves till 29th were played quickly. Here he took a little thinking time, still placed usual 29th and 31st. I knew white's best defence plan and there was nothing much to do to avoid draw. So after a few hours of playing we settled in a draw.


7. Carlsson-Taimla 0-1, 32

Martin Carlsson was the youngest Swedish player on the tournament. Some people thought that he would be one of the outsiders of the tournament but so far he had 4 points already. Unluckily he lost the rest of the games.. In our game he chose black in D11 and played as other Swedish players did. This time there was played 13-13, not 13-15. Maybe he thought he could surprise me but actually I was waiting for 13-13 because it seems 14..16 surprised him. Here he took a great thinking time and finally played 17-17 that I knew is black loss. 17-30 would be better defence, but black is not very good there either. So in this game I got a whole point because of my theory knowledge. He resigned after the 32nd move.


8. Meritee-Taimla 0.5-0.5, 75

Before this game my opponents were 'beatable' but my last 4 opponents were all 'star players' =). So even though I had many points and was on the 3rd position, nobody really thought I could get 3.5 points out of those games I had left.

The 8th round. My opponent was Ando Meritee, the best player in the world. As he is my renjuclass teacher and also my country mate I knew very much about him. D3 wasn't a surprise but the variant he played, was. He had lost to Sushkov couple of rounds ago in the same variant. I wondered what was his plan and played all the moves very carefully..

Till the 29th move the position was as with Sushkov. Ando changed 29-A to 29-29. After the game he explained that it is not good to let white have point B. After the 32nd move he thought quite a long but still played 33-33 as in the game with Sushkov, later he told that he wanted to play 33-38 but he wasn’t very sure about it. In the 10th round he tried 33-38 against Stefan Karlsson, but the game was still drawn. In our game, when I had made my 40th move I felt black is losing its activity and white should get the control soon, but actually Ando was still leading the game. 44 was a risky move, 50-50 was the only one. After he had moved 53-53 I thought Ando has gone crazy, letting white have so many lines opened. But white didn't have sequence to win. So I just balanced the position and played 58-58 to lose possible connection with the right corner. Finally we settled in a draw.. It was an exhausting game.

9. Taimla-Sushkov 1-0, 65

It was the 7th of August, I had to play with Sushkov and with Sinyov in the same day, as Ando in last WC. I think it was a great surprise to everyone that Sushkov did such a comeback after not playing too often in last 2 years. The 12th move was not a surprise, but 14-14 was. I spent a lot of thinking time here, figuring out my plan. Finally I decided to play in a calm positional style. Till 26th move it was balancing, I guess. 27..29 was good development, I think.

I need to take 27-27 to keep up black's activity. 30-30 was a mistake (30-57 would have been better), I think. After I had made my 31 Ando lost to Sinyov and it was getting critical for Estonians.. In case of my loss or a draw Sushkov would have been the leader of the tournament. 34-34 was the only move. Here my bayomi had already started: Sushkov had maybe half an hour left. 39-39 was a clever move, trying to get line to downside (21_45), but his 40 was still keeping black under control.

I made my 41-41 quite quickly and he also answered 42 quickly. But 42-42 was a mistake, if white would have played 42-A, then black can't get 21_45 line working. In the game I quickly played from 43 to 47 and then started to think. After thinking maybe 15 minutes I finally decided to play 49-49, strong move.

I had less than 10 minutes left: he had his bayomi just started. I was thinking he would play 50-58 after which I would have answered 51-51. But he was still thinking and finally played 50-50, I answered 51-51 and now he already had less time than I did. At last black's position got strong enough to win. 62-65 would have been better but that also loses. After 65th move his time ran out but also there was nothing to do. I felt good, for the first time I was the leader of the tournament.

10. Taimla-Sinyov 1-0, 65

Igor Sinyov is a very strong Russian player- he was the 3rd last WC and 2nd one before. Last round he had won Ando in famous D8 Nakamura's variant as white, so I was expecting the same variant on the board this time too.

That's what happened: he accepted the main 5th move and played same move&T 朗? 擯%?>椤(葵W桫碖閎?獶o啐鳐辎rV堫(?.灮?z =?&颢l 9>+?攞?纃囋�迠縨搏?V獹?稞Z筅  ?雏n7.屧尮??害????T帡@B?*瀄?醦)怔T漋2^??/q唞r1 ?j�?]{ 京坷T+腞?,慠l?N?b5?霗窲魾Qx(G缅u柴颔媬卫#^喠*??H皇亰眸粓?[?O灔簄翟亗ah錝Yu?| 5N餣著z爕uU?N把6艗?&??&榡犬j誒亰?i?sn肤r}_夹*!`(?OE?釚诱纲糨dz彴^譇\a;`刘h崁KK孌'艻隅陉瓠? 粢\g抸?G=Am莰�m?祙/傑b&+?銚  #:d堲?á4??聂糸9荽誛?諘貧`颼0誮;?0??JQ%?#莎冷o稾醞'镌tu$Q赋#看*萍?艪嚓┬3&慂??:'??爃|怟 ??�秣觌5I`|�?_?鬪撚Z轚錅hu<|>釓B籞MO毟瑭辇虃Jp鸈 漠9跸M专亰?絹煞达]*R 0(酳炑z邠飲冩@M郣獉┄A@^?觊5d?竢)uWtS轾﹍M?撜zg靁Qp8餧鸴?_燱<8軎h?@謚挫Q 紃wg??阤 d槎儻U^0P???稝!+R?{箢 U?P??察62@j鴩AU?l樍h榖l绅;?*釽?M4?禟闵k?V[`患鑯(?鳕俦猶涹j揀?+UF?琓?JZy滂苒??dD读 �_絈@|晓迺捉?0蜔U$A?] Oj4遺?hs 乣壩3?箶鸬蒊迠傂?PVB1堈4?蒵J{攜殖悭夻[撥?Jq駘端&ㄡ`J討6閴M-K篚#騤_立盛蛠<$塗C透L洴?J?.(?磱蟽y: pbq [Q?淸璆眑Z?z巾L磹.?T欇眗瓍醞\族iVx.闐嵉<嫩?但蝟T?粢虉束崌?.P?zERpF??�LPZ綕F?$>?7+擻(学幯j倳c$鮛k?T鳻G?�U ?/煕锱獍U设倅蘅礅談(》0?n襬`?h?[?p偘xn I榪r瘆兘Y???鯶[C&{东J?`釶??p? 寙!p?M3匔"蜒`n聰釮嶋蕽?舨晲VY?淨~1G?`ザ9lB 嵘S蕒艗岮?訔?v钟uBS?~牙瑭禸被>骘h齓nB捰秵.?鱸倠铋襞J眳J??M8,XB湟謐l乹_Okw礲?Z5矡兗怿悥b齃?7鵍覢竄媷釥Q)爓硙涸獣mB湟Wrq康)笍?P?笩?腫?椔? R])褘吨揊o籲摑?P%┭q⊿pY?o i錵裡獎S +?Vl 2�?1是暧P?襵i4硶5橶n?賲r撧%浐跕臔\le粢酺燡筢>r`鳕2{鑄A咬麷兪/fD?Q觤y辥母?嬞跂录?釐煽禨??JT\^ (0( z ?I+(U??迨侵廗p0A.囀絇昽坎??蹢迴Y{T茆虩耊羾J?x??鱾t#鮯鈅嚶HAV酄?S鮆?嫝机 瘥呖蟵+W蹱jF-PФ鹅?mF{拚伸U'铉'?碚y﹏v)e?jb +p? 弰掟纗A~%塁X??9p?酮*?筣愠 裏t�培鄧忄x(哩4?鐕犆??頾鋳 亱?耗徴)駊!o昂?猀鮳�顷砾z槷唣鵣|(?翧x0CV 郂?�x?????P5T?~?/W?鵗�?V ?t覍窉鵚??U荦V;岻㈠誸v 爪�U;v?m聾)貣 覡哴裥gm猔W?$d浠蝻诟攍汞砑V\\做椣藣Pn-T"霞~%梼h?塲"?徴臩盤鮔?ji??牗侶怾o誩{肘?Tl1禃鄡載膮y聻 n嘛贋鴶??蠦/25~颚zj?廽?? 膨???棻?#mH;im魢嚊颪莨?rn╡ˉ(?驰y骡??C!(~ F膗u?敒?硍璌ぐu{}鋜c\`餫u晼H滒S鞶養誴x  ? 狓?閤CT_Q?鵻!苻(爏眙2T㈱尬A$竨<:P 齍?9_矶?j?%xC庠Hiz?消鲮j�RA膛?\?u巺>?柂/~?橄t呉鵓Q?\??兛 ^騲t糏.(~璆爾膮BW?V^?饢 % q@鞯P??菕g仩 $�杹?洒努佬驣l镊B駸N迿鞅D駏涭Eg:?锣3?踹u| VD?�?氎椭簛睉GX?M(颉瘌?b?眈w嚜 |/W広郄2嚨\舿鯙啭]?広nV?/鷱?@;<^璚?皗<匝�傺.R燌#?E屿匍芸茦┖獯?'? B鞐3苘?譳JTb櫉欩nru?楅z埆?l??G?+Pz/Q?\y闃? 毼jM忖pR焮?玍"*j獃J??U鯣z?艷M支眴?福?1Di?秐彪5+睭嫩﹌稸<衻! .賺圷栖踣?v稊?A礁wGm壍聚DV摪w恮碧峔O?湧?>[淇盕??塲�┰圳G堆讒囋uA汼墓鮉@;?槣v喵松魶+f見沽筗厓>@`G?汋T?遘垪:‵ F汾8>喈A熟kcO^?儜?唣 弃o?m2w~?! h1﹋鍘+誑6 2瓍坌纆鱨,醳?锘伎?E?B盄SR鮟颃v弜 Q?X??富?�趥??E?M]?VHi酧VT空G諂+?Y卜?5c緼. 鼹T 偓|_~@?$?縏�?�7+衹x;?>?IR鸣鄷鍉蚝獽�>塨@杓?>�?�r鏭?�4緎< 狷 x( 羷朧W?c?I粃褨 ?'_i苭媘褠n寺灛??|簭�醦艚W診?餕| ;�赤t{e絑L?_踘?遟?*?A?赊E@仕駺Tx!F笓鰤錹岥塙)?舊擭叀琉И顷劌C?|>T瑍?碏T]嶷粧rOF xJT?詶?K丢 黛剠c餚浮XW|镪?\>? 2蜥#D%?弰侜īW観%Xu^V璨鍡u罀 ?裈櫰捌?/T%彲z燢.鵴{i?墏烜?L冋j顷uD?塨M狵笫@鴵裨爏)�?J嘷綯?全②琄呏K蔦>>T⒌鴜\舑綷;o收f繁Qyt檇逭K@坤勦狉揩獉顇~^ш 嘸×/邈雁~凐]?蕜夌#鋫?吴a楽饲�?K?隀 笋R�4??帏Is"别 ?夹鐷.&痉釵詖佯 K3 �x 卟~|~?,囌?B?/钖>S饋o耩0W?WRB姅J驑 崄???j閦紖掰$ 民懵?mj[蚅L擱c???+8?Itq%]K{o1?(阫W纀谍駯z迥o6薗率X ?7}糛棄噋x?eVfr\棸燺r)临E??峣辋隃c蕸_晔r燼?+嵒?嫣?獃?2R糎hc?琅3b=籵b喰 u仢?V摇p嗊K塄ム? W ?3.衁弐翚n?t 婸躛D瑑 R?め腊>%妞-*?鞨孯L燊敠卼虍?5碣[gf%\簻  ?5X[|:经?硹劸/�-璴F#鞈}楯xG�0K兠?仒瑋?E?N<騊Q珋鶡龡螐d}濳 丝?H譚聟c郻薉礰駊�X榞賢諅淜?郂@# 亜1柑yEk银?謇鶒磰R夣:8Er?J??俱#繮?#�攭窦倧硐{$?谓梞2?]J?[?鑦孑A驭?饙遹^6叹_?3X?Z5炮醀z??遐詟w?% ^s,瓕K?鹤搱鮦磧0=陷_|躺槲?~?Ko詴堄裙! 膠匨庼輱菪/級庘E?|趗C蝛M??K 哹?Q皭+a蠓弉T鑭毑"byL齊?涴q步?~?梓碡膋墴D@'?盍c*閛??跮")╰f旸`??蘌殍秞擝,?燧?o攋鲣B綦?厵F"Y傀b颗縅餧M?q嶉[鑹?? 単弲;烎?? P 驁嵐对鹭??鈥ai酘燙絛-L尞醕喝y痻S瘰猎慼0'8e遦犾鯽 爓?i!b#鐧-滄鐽趌@0齅Q??W銈s夨潓Y???V桧T??|_?'手?:NS訖患K┯抮峓E5?忪歄?龃V愨搡!�?yX崁С葦?@?G ^辬璁搽XW 薟9儼!鷶uh軄&'?yㄡ潸?肎6{睶"敩屬!C浟%顴拉蘻珊?悙5 +:79wsO禩8?丗 礰蠭因蜷??r兵2傖&?D掑E暾椸?魇嬆卞/?Z痣Sw蜘嵪威??啁橃磷綈u[靋TL踠糄tw&躛K拨R鄢xh)泷/螯竧?@�>Q炰�0JzI?全瀺_h???!I{|xT7矀唯S 僓E? ?D�P珶W*?忼>^?閦匸?昂~囿蕩| ?佽 爘%鵡堾?珎Z柄縷H俀uV^畕炅CUnd踚螏篌%黱蝪r诼\煵瘷?犍瞜3 �~峻盌N]窘f菡羳(筂延3酬,~Z?i埯/g&蹷857mU?.(-腨 挋笱H屳?X臺絞秢?昺輇?逴适鐋l师][煄A?碐]f磹B垈煙^鹐燈�o琮螆?D^�2???JQ趕;KHY t??餞VeU?秸蠡?鼢e熪??4_AH?馅隅襹秙77﹙?]^虋仟??﹠?犂U?!牕?逴﹥�)?篙kEM錜傚|S�逨穮胚?詎Q9`廏梄盕[e?簮?盎慭埬??U刟種8)?z凭q?蓃荆V??栗M鸘剁獆?伬PyXQx抅饌囎??H 辶K黆伙z?晛苜=]T羢K\犆昰褍阸睺.閲Y鞕 壞襀:?_7覇o!c瓝P?Ln?$雷FD?嘱醵蓝檓F约娤O麰惩4 縌盏?鬄bq=9唵eA癜l-?uiN'R蟤j朣?W?櫠#D廫狝�蟔??#觑?摋儸黎?阉]閅畈U�?耡熭]:V?HJdg?li韧?HV B?> 硡 |I-冱鞝c铂?�Ph堷S?L*鱭8?寭鶨厙铝JS靓5 >隠`R#?Je?b!慉S?囡|M5(扔苵秹?泺 涎ZTnA j �?迳?]?搷鈽圡8??<带 4Z?FnO鹵?鴍^|<駓qr垿覩W橴Z擎ㄞ幘M,:堯碸,?%O}酧ペ=?Q*嬧?桤閞ㄅ鲐zh!侎( ?彶笫摹?鵟_?U@蟖戠?`0??曲懂鸄殯?汬?躑陇傪Й?^廌礘閜???*呈怂盳??~瓤4uW茟?mX 纃�V街栌?蛿┵詃匓a镞*焀�?鲵zv奂鋚B.虮縭脔E?�讠t{璁??砚怦?c?`*壴O乣 ??ID|滄F偒;瞾徖d1G髼??輔9?柕j晍?s驛墪_欚S�?獈??縲数D~}RY{"uc雑徏飝Yr洿?@跉霺=.r*&? @S?+涝 陌`6?`楇 C饜%?鳤V嬔)@O]Q=Akj否W嘊%虔g(*Z`叏璑賎頴Vl?蘼en??z怔檖Ej??猽?魯u;尪7B?韨芐┼璦???f??喾K?u坽缄Z奱ID炍7聸 悪(DTJ?`c纇8cQ? ?囿D蚼a猨#X3NP 倭f嬡J
